Monday, September 3, 2012

Welcome back!

We started school last week and got off to a great start.  
I know many states wait until after Labor Day, so hope you all have a great beginning also!

During our staff development, I had the opportunity to present Math journaling to all 4th grade teachers in my district.  They were so eager, excited and so complementary!  I am always excited, nervous and humbled to present to my peers and colleagues. Several teachers even ask if they could buy my book. A book? for thought since I have completed an interactive journal activity for all math objectives.  Anyway, I will definitely post some new journal activities and pictures.

As you can see, I don't very often update my blog, so this school, I plan to do a better job.
I was pleasantly surprised to see that the math journals my students created a few years ago average about 200 pins a day! That's AWESOME, so I would love for you to leave me a positive comment or professional critique.  I would like to share your thoughts with my students.

Hope you and your students have a blessed and successful school year!


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Science journal - Hibernation

A journal example of hibernation. (Do you see the hibernating bear?) Pull the tab!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Science Journal-Camouflage

Part of the lesson on camouflage is for students to "hide" their creature.  I let them choose from butterflies to zebras.  I use scrapbook paper or sometimes old wallpaper books.  We staple them on our classroom walls for a few weeks, then place them in our science journals. These are 2 examples.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

3-D shapes in bubbles!

Students really enjoy creating 3-D geometric shapes with toothpicks and gumdrops...but to increase the level of interest, add bubbles!  As you can see the faces, edges and vertices become inverted.  So cool!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Texas Native American project

Fourth grade Texas history includes the study of Native Americans that lived in Texas.  Once we have studied each of the 5 main tribes, each student chooses their favorite tribe.  Their project includes a "buckskin" pouch that contains items that represent their food source, habitat and skills. This student choose to complete his project over the Caddo.  What a great job!
buckskin pouch
Caddo pottery

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Space writing camp

I have been ask to repost our 4th grade space writing adventure. Most questions are about how to make the space library. This was done with a roll of plastic, duct tape and a box fan. If you need details, please let me know. Your students will love reading in the space library!
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